Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tobacco Could Kill 1 Billion People This Century

The World Health Organisation has warned that if the Government to act now to reduce smoking, tobacco use could kill a billion people in this century.

In a strongly worded report of the WHO said no country did everything that could help to curb tobacco use, which is to kill 500 million, the world's current population, and a further 500 million over the course of the century.
He urged all countries to adopt six measures to reduce the number of people who stop smoking and help smokers, especially young people and women.

The WHO said the most effective strategy is to increase taxes to 75% or more of the pack price. Increasing taxes could also appeal against tobacco industry marketing tactics.

The WHO six measures include: monitoring and prevention of tobacco consumption for measures to protect the people by smoking bans and offers help to quit, warnings about the dangers of tobacco, enforcing bans on advertising, marketing and sponsorship, and the increase of taxes.

Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, said: "While the efforts to combat tobacco gains momentum, virtually every country must do more than just 5% of the people live in countries fully implement that one of the six measures .

According to the report of the large target for the tobacco industry is the third world, where the use of cigarettes and other forms of tobacco is growing rapidly. As many as 100 million Chinese men are currently under the age of 30, the use of tobacco in India and a quarter of deaths in middle-aged men are caused by smoking. "

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